Tokuyama's Human Resources Strategy
Tokuyama aims to form a diverse and productive human capital that meets the needs of the way we work, with specific stories that lead to the realization of management strategies and the enhancement of our corporate value with the message of a "Human Resources Strategy to improve employee value while contributing to the realization of a management strategy".
In order to keep up with changes in the business environment, a new human resources strategy has been developed for April 2024.
One of the targets of this human resource strategy is to enable business portfolio transformation, which is also one of the pillars of our management strategy. To achieve this goal, we need to hire and train high-performing human resources and improve labor productivity in the base businesses that support our growth businesses to reliably generate cash. The other target is to respond to the ever-changing business environment and evolving group management. To this end, we need to form a system and culture that values diversity, where multi-talented people can play an active role, and to achieve human capital management with a group-wide perspective.
To solve these issues, we have defined eight strategic axes in our human resource strategy and will implement each measure in accordance with these strategic axes. The formulation of personnel policies and human resource strategies is deliberated at the Executive committee attended by all executive officers and resolved by the Board of Directors. Additionally, the implementation of these policies is regularly reported to and supervised by the Board of Directors.
From henceforth, the way companies think about human resources must also change in response to changes in the business environment. In order to respond to various changes and increase corporate value, we will increase engagement by having a robust dialogue with employees and help each employee take actions that embody the content of the strategy and grow.
Human Resources Policy
Tokuyama Group Human Resources Policy
Revised June 2023
Established May 2019
The Tokuyama Group regards human resources as a crucial form of "management capital" necessary for sustainable growth. In this Tokuyama Group Human Resources Policy, we set out our expectations and direction of growth for our officers and employees in realizing the Tokuyama Vision, while at the same time committing to providing them with maximum support for their success.
The company regards employees as:
- Individuals recruited for their future potential who will grow through investment in education and experience and produce higher value and returns.
- Individuals who pursue expected roles and outcomes, value teamwork, and enjoy their work.
- Individuals who find motivation in the opportunities for achievement in their work, their own growth, and the growth of the Tokuyama Group.
- Individuals capable of self-management through autonomous actions.
Regarding the growth of its employees, the company:
- Seeks contributions to society and the company by each employee forming a career that aligns with the diversity of each employee's work style under the equal opportunities provided.
- Requires managers not only to have the skills to efficiently utilize resources to achieve goals but also to exercise strong leadership to engage others in creating new value.
- Demands execution of “What to Do” — contemplating what we should provide to our customers. Furthermore, for those who are supervisors, it demands the pursuit of “Why” — being able to articulate in their own words to members why we do what we do and what we aim to accomplish.
The company provides its employees with:
- A human resource development framework that enables individuals to grow and meet company expectations, creating a competitive workforce and organization that take on and overcome challenges.
- A system in which human resources who continue to grow can continue to contribute with assurance for as long as possible.
- Fair evaluation of individuals based on their roles, the results they have produced, and their conduct befitting a Tokuyama Group employee, as well as appropriate treatment.
Training & Development system
Regarding human resource development of employees, we will promote a good balance of OJT and OFF-JT.
OJT is designed to improve the work skills, mindset, and competencies required for each workplace through work. The PDCA cycle is operated by periodically conducting goal-setting interviews to check the performance of work in the fiscal year from a short-term perspective, and job interviews from a medium- to long-term perspective.
In OFF-JT, in addition to the role-qualification and rank-based training, there is "compliance education" for the purpose of culture reform and legal compliance, and "specialized education" for the purpose of technology transfer, security management, and business innovation. In addition, to encourage self-development, we support employees by subsidizing the cost of acquiring public qualifications and correspondence courses. Furthermore, to promote business portfolio transformation, we are working on education that meets the needs of management and the workplace, such as Next-Generation Leader Traning(NBL) and the traning toword global human resource development.
Next-Generation Leader Traning(NBL)
The purpose of this program is to quickly develop "management personnel" who will be responsible for the future development of the company. The requirements for management personnel are as follows: understanding the company and its business structure in detail, having high aspirations and deep insight, being able to envision the future of the company and its business and create a business model, and having the courage and popularity to make decisions and execute them. The participants will learn the skills necessary to do so through a variety of training and practice.
The traning toword global human resource development
Tokuyama is promoting business portfolio transformation to become a value-creating company and aim for the global market. In order to develop global human resources, Tokuyama provides education to understand languages and different cultures from the time employees join the company until they are posted overseas. Simply put, it is a system in which employees are motivated to take on challenges through a combination of self-learning and several training programs.
In particular, the selective "Global Human Resource Development Training" is designed to strengthen the skills required for participants to become "human resources who can accept the local business environment and customer culture of the destination country and contribute to social and economic development" & "human resources who have the mindset to take on the challenges of an advanced markets".
Human Resources System
In order to raise employee motivation, Tokuyama ensures that its well-balanced evaluation system is administered fairly so that employees are treated fairly. The Company has also introduced a Role and Qualification Rating System with the aim of reforming the organization's culture by ensuring familiarity with Tokuyama's vision. This system puts weight on actions such as roles and job behavior and encourages employees to take on challenges. Moreover, the Company has adopted a multi-layered ranking system to address various job types and working styles, such as sales, manufacturing and R&D. The system is designed so that employees can choose and change between two courses. With Course C, employees aspiring to future management and specialist positions can be advanced and promoted early depending on their own performance and actions. Employees on Course A support the business foundation as experts in specialized areas and business.In this system, an assessment of Tokuyama's four values (commitment to customer satisfaction as a profit source; a broader,loftier perspective; employees who constantly surpass their predecessors; integrity, perseverance, a playful spirit and boldness) were added to the HR evaluation items. The HR system itself promotes the achievement of the Tokuyama Vision.In fiscal 2021, the type of employee and the necessary skills needed for each job type and department were laid out and published within the Company. These will serve as guidelines
for employees' skill upgrades and the development of the skills needed for their future careers.
Promoting Diversity
Tokuyama is implementing diversity initiatives to ensure that all employees can work with energy and succeed. Tokuyama values diversity of knowledge and intelligence and seeks to create workplaces that are pleasant and motivating, while aiming to improve productivity, by reforming the workplace culture. With regard to the participation of women in the workforce, the Company formulates an Action Plan based on Japan's Female Participation and Career Advancement Act and works to achieve targets, which include the percentage of management positions held by women. Furthermore, in 2024, we set a voluntary goal to increase the ratio of female managers to over 15% by the fiscal year 2030, including our consolidated subsidiaries, to accelerate the promotion of women's participation. To foster an organizational culture where diverse talents can thrive, we conduct lectures on the importance of diversity as part of our new employee training program. The Company strives to achieve the statutory employment rate for people with disabilities and is working to develop the workplace environment, including accessibility. We also launched new initiatives, including opening You You Terrace as a facility for people with disabilities and establishing the agricultural corporation, Tokuyama You You Farm Co., Ltd., which supports the independence of people with disabilities and contributes to the local community.
Work-Life Balance Support Programs
At Tokuyama, employees in workplaces eligible for flextime can choose their workday schedules with no core work-period requirement. The Company is also striving to optimize working hours by tracking and presenting aggregate data based on thecomputer log details of employees, enabling actual working conditions to be managed.
Under a program to help employees balance work and childcare responsibilities, eligible employees can use shortened working hours from 10 weeks before childbirth until the child starts elementary school, *1 and can also use flextime from the time that pregnancy is determined until the child reaches sixth grade. Paid parental leave is available from birth until the infant reaches age one. Tokuyama provides eligible employees and their managers with paid parental leave information to facilitate the use of leave. Childcare leave is also available until the infant reaches age two.*2 As a result of these various efforts, we received "Platinum Kurumin Certification" from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare on July 19, 2022, as an excellent childcare support company.
The uptake of parental leave and childcare leave among male employees is also becoming more established, with over 100 employees taking such leave each year.
Employees can also take family care leave for up to two years (legal requirement: 93 days in total) for each family member requiring care. With family care time off (unpaid), regardless of the number of care recipients, it is possible to take off two days a week (legal requirement: five days a year).
To support those on childcare and family care leave and help them eventually make a smooth transition back to work, internal information is shared with them on the intranet. In addition, an employee reinstatement system has been established to allow employees who resigned for childcare or family care reasons to be rehired.
*1. Legal requirement is the age of three.
*2. Legal requirement is the age of one. In certain cases, leave can be taken until the child reaches age two.
Category | Program | Details | |
Flextime system | Employees eligible for flextime can freely select work schedule (no core work period) | ||
Childbirth and childcare | Flextime eligibility | An employee raising a child in sixth grade or younger, but who is not eligible for flextime, can apply for transfer to a workplace where flextime is available, making the employee eligible for flextime. | |
Expanded application of flextime | Employees who are pregnant or raising a child in sixth grade or younger can work shortened hours below the prescribed monthly work hours, and can work intermittently with interruptions and resumption of work. | ||
Examination leave | Leave taken by a pregnant employee to receive health guidance or medical exams shall be paid one day per month from pregnancy to 23 weeks and two days per month from 24 weeks to prenatal leave. | ||
Prenatal and postnatal leave | Paid leave can be taken for up to six weeks before childbirth (14 weeks for a multiple-child pregnancy), and up to eight weeks after childbirth (law only requires unpaid leave). | ||
Childcare time | A female employee raising a child younger than one year old can take 30 minutes of childcare time twice a day (paid). | ||
Shortened working hours | An employee expecting a child within 10 weeks or raising a preschool child can shorten the work day by one to two hours per day. | ||
Parental leave | An employee with a newborn can take eight days within one year of the birth. | ||
Childcare leave | An employee can take up to two years of leave after the birth of a child. | ||
Postnatal Paternity Child Care Leave (Child Care Leave at Birth ) | An employee can take up to four weeks of childcare leave within eight weeks of the birth of a child. (can be divided into two periods of leave) | ||
Accumulated annual leave * |
・Employees raising children in the sixth grade or younger can use the accumulated annual leave if they need to take 5 or more days off due to school or class closures, etc. caused by natural disasters or infectious diseases such as influenza. ・An employee who is pregnant or post-partum and has been instructed by a doctor or other health professional to take time off work, or an employee who requires time off due to infertility or infertility treatment. |
Limits on overtime and late-night work | An employee raising a preschooler can apply to limit after-hours and late-night work. | ||
Exemption from non-scheduled work | An employee raising a child younger than three can apply for exemption from non-scheduled work. | ||
Reinstatement registration system | An employee who resigns for the reason of pregnancy, childbirth, or childcare can register for this rehiring program upon resignation. | ||
Support payment for childcare leave | Employees who took full of childcare leave can receive a half of bonus standard wage as support payment. The payment could be also received if an employee take unpaid prenatal and/or postnatal leave without reinstatement from childcare leave. |
Regular health exams | An employee can receive paid leave to receive regular medical checkups after taking prenatal/postnatal leave, or childcare leave. | ||
Child nursing leave | For employees with children up to the sixth grade of elementary school, up to five days (may be subdivided into hourly units) per person per year of (unpaid) leave can be taken in the case of a child's injuries or illnesses, or for immunizations and health checkups. In addition, shift workers who take care of preschool children are entitled to three days (paid leave cannot be taken in hourly units) of leave per year, regardless of the number of children. |
Family care | Flextime eligibility | An employee not eligible for flextime but who has a family member needing care can apply for transfer to a workplace where flextime is permitted, and receive flextime. | |
Expanded application of flextime | Upon application, an employee with a family member needing care can work shortened hours below the prescribed monthly work hours, and can work intermittently with interruptions and resumption of work. | ||
Family care leave | Can be taken for up to two years for each care recipient. | ||
Family care time off | When a person with a family member in need of nursing care requests nursing care leave, regardless of the number of family members in need of care, he or she can take two days per week (maybe subdivided into hourly units) of (unpaid) leave. (However, in the case that two days per week are taken, one day can be used from accumulated annual paid leave.) | ||
Accumulated annual leave * | Accumulated annual leave can be used for a family care leave if the leave took more than 5 days. | ||
Reinstatement registration system | An employee who resigns in order to care for a family member can register for this program at the time of resignation. | ||
Support payment for family care leave | Employees who took full of family care leave can receive bonus standard wage as support payment. | ||
Limits on non-scheduled work, overtime work,and late-night work | An employee with a family member needing care can refuse non-scheduled and after-hours work (latenight work limit is available to an employee with a family member requiring care, and who lives in a household without someone else, 16 or older, to provide the needed care). | ||
Volunteer | Accumulated annual leave * | Leaves that can be used for volunteer relief work in a major disaster | |
Working from home |
Working from Home A:
If the employee requests it and the company approves, in principle two days a week may be spent working from home.
Working from Home B:
If employees are experiencing problems arising from nursing care or childcare obligations that cannot be solved by using Working from Home A, the short working hours system, or the flexible operation of flextime, working from home can be used up to four days a week.
Temporary Working from Home:
When it is necessary to work from home beyond the abovementioned scope due to the impact of natural disasters or from the perspective of preventing infectious diseases, etc., the General Manager of the General Affairs & Human Resources Division shall make the decision on whether to allow working from home.
A telecommuting allowance of ¥2,500 per month is paid to employees who work at office two or fewer days per week. |
* A cirtain number of accumulated annual paid leaves that have expired.
※ Examination leave, prenatal and postnatal leave, and childcare time are programs exclusively for women
Employees Data