Respect for human rights
The Tokuyama Group considers respect for human rights to be a corporate responsibility forming the foundation of all its business activities. The Tokuyama Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter, the "Human Rights Policy"), established based on the Tokuyama Group Sustainability Principles and the Tokuyama Group Code of Conduct, outlines the standards that all officers and employees of the Tokuyama Group must meet in respecting human rights.
Process leading to the establishment of the Tokuyama Group Human Rights Policy
The Human Rights Policy was created based on international human rights norms* such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, taking into account the views of the relevant internal departments and officers and external experts.
The policy was finally established by a resolution of the Board of Directors following deliberation by the Sustainability Committee and the approval of the CSR Promotion Council. At the same time, a message from the president on respecting human rights was shared Group-wide on December 1, 2022, the date the policy was established.
* International and domestic codes, guidelines, etc. incorporated in the preparation of the human rights policy
- The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- International Bill of Human Rights
- ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct
- Reference Material on Practical Approaches for Business Enterprises to Respect Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Japan
- Responding to "Business and Human Rights "Required by Companies Now" Research on Business and Human Rights "Report" (Reiwa 2nd year), Ministry of Justice Human Rights Bureau Japan
Management system
The Company established the Sustainability Committee in fiscal 2022 to implement cross-organizational activities on human rights and serve as an expert committee on sustainability issues such as "addressing climate change" and "business and human rights", which do not fit into the scope of the existing expert committees within the sustainability promotion system.
Important human rights matters are deliberated by the Sustainability Committee and receive the approval of the CSR Promotion Council, in addition to being reported to the Board of Directors.
Initiatives to respect for human rights
The Tokuyama Group recognizes there may be negative impacts on human rights in the course of its business activities. To deal appropriately with or prevent these impacts, the Group implements initiatives for respecting human rights based on its Human Rights Policy.
Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor
The Tokuyama Group prohibits all forced labor and child labor. In order to prevent child labor, we ensure verification of age at the time of employment. In addition, to prevent forced labor, the Company does not store important documents such as passports that could restrict the freedom of movement of employees.
Responsible Procurement of Minerals
The CSR Procurement Guidelines stipulate the responsible procurement of minerals. Tokuyama responds promptly and appropriately to requests for investigations into minerals with clear involvement in conflict or human rights violations in conflict-affected and high-risk areas and confirms with suppliers that there is no involvement with such minerals. When an issue is determined as a result of confirmation with suppliers, Tokuyama takes the appropriate measures, including requesting improvement or discontinuing procurement.
Occupational Health & Safety
Tokuyama complies with laws and regulations on occupational safety in the countries and regions in which it operates, prevents work-related accidents and disasters, and has established a safe and healthy workplace environment. (Please see Accident Prevention and Occupational Health & Safety for details.)
In addition, with the aim of supporting work-life balance for officers and employees, Tokuyama monitors daily working hours and the number of annual leave days taken in a timely manner using a work management system, encourages the use of annual leave, including company-wide planned annual leave, and has established various systems for different life stages, such as childcare and family care leave.
Positive Labor-Management Relations
The Tokuyama Group respects basic labor rights, including freedom of assembly and the right to collective bargaining, and maintains positive labor-management relations by holding regular dialogues between labor and management.
Response to Harassment
Harassment is an act that undermines the dignity of the individual, and the Tokuyama Group does not tolerate it under any circumstances. As one of its initiatives for respecting human rights, the Group launched the Harassment Prevention Program in 2021. Under the program, Tokuyama has implemented various measures such as Harassment Prevention Enhancement Month every December, seeking to build rewarding workplaces built on relationships of mutual trust for each and every employee.
〔FY2023 Results〕
- Holding seminars on harassment prevention "How to Create Psychological Safety" by inviting outside lecturers
- Transmission of commitment to eliminate harassment by presidents of Tokuyama Group companies
- Implementation of e-learning on the theme of respect for human rights (97% target completion rate)
- Regular dissemination of harassment consultation and helpline information using the in-house newsletter
- Display of posters to raise awareness about preventing harassment in each workplace
- Distribution of recommended books on psychological safety
- Surveys on awareness of harassment
Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence
The Tokuyama Group has established a taskforce led by the Sustainability Committee and composed of members from across a number of departments involved in human rights to implement cross-organizational human rights due diligence.
〔FY2023 Results〕
In FY2023, we identified human rights risks and issues in all our business activities, assessed their severity and likelihood of occurrence, and made a risk mapping. As a result, we once again identified the following two points as human rights issues that should be initiated as a priority, and worked to mitigate the risks.
We are committed to ensuring that no serious human rights violations have occurred by FY2023.
1. Human Rights Issues in the Supply Chain
Continuing from FY2022, the following initiatives were implemented.
- Requested suppliers with transaction value of 30 million yen or more to submit written pledges of compliance with CSR procurement guidelines, and obtained pledges from 310 of 323 suppliers
- Asked suppliers with transaction value of 100 million yen or more to conduct self-assessments and obtained responses from 173 of 181 suppliers
- Conduct on-site engagement with suppliers with significantly low scores in the self-assessment and with suppliers that have already identified risk factors (e.g., employment of technical trainees)
Please see CSR Procurement for details.
2. The rights of access to remedy
Newly established global helpline. (Ref: Redress and Grievance Mechanisms )
Education and Awareness Raising Activities
Tokuyama conducts appropriate education and awareness raising activities to ensure that all officers and employees have a proper understanding and recognition of human rights. Activities include education provided via grade-specific training, Group company caravans, explanations at in-house CSR briefings, provision of e-learning on human rights, and raising awareness using the in-house newsletter.
KPIs on Respect for Human Rights
Tokuyama has established "promotion of diversity and career fulfillment" as one of the material issues (CSR priorities) it identified with a view to implementing CSR management. We have set "respect for human rights" as the goal for this material issue and have been working on various measures, such as diversity and inclusion, promotion of work-life balance, and prevention of harassment.
Redress and Grievance Mechanisms
An internal helpline has been established to enable safe, anonymous reporting and consultation on compliance violations, including human rights, involving the Tokuyama Group. Helpline users are never subjected to unfavorable treatment. The Personnel Harassment Helpline has also been established as a consultation service on harassment for Group employees. In addition to these two helplines, there are helplines that Group companies have established individually. In April 2024, Newly established global helpline where local employees of overseas group companies can report and consult in their native language. Then 100% of all employees in the group have access to one of the consultation services.
The table below can be scrolled horizontally
FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Number of reports of whistle-blowing system | 29 | 24 | 34 | 29 | 44 |
※Total number of Helpline, Harassment Desk, and Whistle-Blowing system in subsidiaries. Including the number of overseas subsidiaries from FY2023.
Of these, reports related to harassment only are shown in the table below. Since fiscal 2021, there has been an increase in the number of consultations, likely due to the intensive awareness-raising activities we conducted along with the launch of the Harassment Prevention Program, mentioned previously.
The table below can be scrolled horizontally
FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Number of reports of whistle-blowing system | 6 | 6 | 19 | 21 | 37 |
※FY2019: non-consolidated.
Information Disclosure
Tokuyama disseminates information on human rights initiatives to officers and employees via the in-house newsletter and the internal bulletin board and portal site. Important matters are also reported to the Board of Directors. In addition, Tokuyama will periodically disclose information to external stakeholders through its Integrated Report and the Company's website.
Participation in Human Rights Initiatives
Having signed the United Nations Global Compact on September 18, 2019, the Company upholds and respects the ten principles in the four key areas and participates in the activities of Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ).
When conducting research and product development in the fields of Medical and Biological Research, Tokuyama deliberates through the "Bioethics Committee" to protect the human rights of research subjects, ensure their safety, and improve their welfare, while also ensuring ethical validity.
This committee operates in accordance with regulations based on the "Ethical Guidelines for Medical and Biological Research Involving Human Subjects" and notifications from relevant government agencies.
Communication with Stakeholders
Tokuyama values communication with diverse stakeholders as the key to working with the broader society to build a sustainable future.
Community Initiatives
As a company with an essential social role, Tokuyama also carries out various activities to maintain good relations with its neighbors. Interaction with local communities is being promoted not just by the Company, but also by employees on their own initiative.
Our Activities:
The Tokuyama Science Foundation (Japanese) provided the following grant to promote science and technology for the next generation.