Integrated Report(Annual Report)

We published this year's integrated report "Tokuyama Report 2023" with the aim of communicating our value creation process and medium- to long-term business strategy in an easy-to-understand manner.
The latest report is scheduled for release at the end of August every year.

Tokuyama Report 2023
(Integrated Report )

Issue Date : Sep 01, 2023

  • Tokuyama Value Creation
  • Contents/Editorial Policy
  • The Path to Value Creation
  • Tokuyama Value Creation Strategy
  • Message from the President
  • Value Creation Process
  • Tokuyama's Strengths Supporting Value Creation
  • Improving Value Creation
  • Progress of Medium-Term Management Plan 2025
  • Message from the CFO
  • Progress of Strategy by Business Segment
  • Electronic & Advanced Materials
  • Life Science
  • Eco Business
  • Chemicals
  • Cement
  • Management for Sustainable Growth
  • Message from the Executive Officer in Charge of Sustainability
  • Vision and Materiality
  • Materiality KPIs and Results
  • Disclosures Based on TCFD Recommendations
  • Compliance
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Dialogue with External Directors
  • Corporate Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Corporate Data
  • Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
  • Management Team
  • Corporate Data