Videos about Tokuyama
The videos available below are streamed via the Internet. Please note that the videos may not be viewable from certain businesses or schools depending on the local area network (LAN) environment.
Tokuyama Corporate Movie
We depict our Group's challenges toward to create new value in accordance with focusing on three business domains, electronics, healthcare, and the environment, contributing to the resolution of societal issues, while generating sustainable cash flow in the traditional businesses.
* Click on the image to move to the YouTube playback page.
Tokuyama Factory Introduction Video
It is a factory introduction picture which photographed each factory of Tokuyama factory with a drone. Dynamic and powerful images introduce the features of each factory.
* Click on each image to move to the YouTube playback page.
The story of Tokuyama's history
"History of TOKUYAMA 2017"
This video tells the story of Tokuyama's history, starting with its establishment as Japan's first producer of soda ash all the way through its commercialization of cement, aluminum nitride and polycrystalline silicon. It focuses on the difficult struggles of central people in the company's history and how their pioneering spirit has been passed down to this day.
* Click on each image to move to the YouTube playback page.