Dividend Information

Basic Policy for Profit Distribution

As far as the distribution of profits is concerned, Tokuyama's basic policy is the ensure the continuous and stable payment of dividends to its shareholders. In carrying out this policy, the Company takes into consideration performance trends and the roadmap established under its Medium-Term Management Plan.
In fiscal 2024, the Company intends to undertake the payment of an interim and year-end dividend of 50.0 yen per share respectively.

The table below can be scrolled horizontally

Fiscal Year Interim Year-end Payout Ratio(%)(Consolidated)
Fiscal 2024
50.0yen 50.0yen 28.8
Fiscal 2023 35.0yen 45.0yen 32.4
Fiscal 2022 35.0yen 35.0yen 53.8
Fiscal 2021 35.0yen 35.0yen 18.0
Fiscal 2020 35.0yen 35.0yen 19.9
Fiscal 2019 35.0yen 35.0yen 24.4
Fiscal 2018 25.0yen 25.0yen 10.1
Fiscal 2017 2.0yen 20.0yen 11.5
Fiscal 2016 0.0yen 0.0yen -
Fiscal 2015 0.0yen 0.0yen -

1 Effective as from 1 October 2017, the Company conducted a share consolidation in which every five common shares was consolidated into one share.
2 Year-end dividends of 20 yen per share for 2017 include commemorative dividends of 10 yen for the Company's 100th anniversary.