High-purity fused spherical silica "EXCELICA™"

EXCELICA™ is high-purity fused synthetic spherical silica produced by vapor phase reaction. The particle diameter ranges from the several level to 100 microns. Coarse grain cut grades are also available to suit various applications.

Product overview

Generic names High-purity fused spherical silica
Product name EXCELICA™
Chemical formula SiO2
Packing /
shipping method
Flexible containers, paper bags
General applications
  • Encapsulants for semiconductors
  • Hole-plugging materials for substrates
  • Die bonding materials
  • Precision adhesive
  • Quartz materials
  • Films

Special characteristics

  • High purity: EXCELICA™ is produced in a closed system using highly purified materials, resulting in silica with a trace of impurities such as radioelements, heavy metal elements, or ionic elements. Especially the amount of uranium or thorium contained, which emits alpha rays causing semiconductor memory malfunctions, in EXCELICA™ is less than 0.1ppb.
  • Amorphous: The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that EXCELICA™ is amorphous.